07 June 2024

How to help a child overcome shyness?

Shyness in children can manifest in various ways: some are afraid to speak to unfamiliar children, others refuse to participate in group work, and some avoid public performances. Often, the root cause of shyness is a lack of self-confidence. A sense of self-worth emerges when a child feels independent and valuable. That’s why the Montessori environment provides children with many opportunities to develop self-confidence.

Practical Activities
At Montessori Hub, children independently prepare, set the table, and clean up in the classrooms. When a child sees the results of their efforts, they begin to believe more in their own abilities. This is especially effective when a student is involved in caring for others. For example, when they help the teacher prepare treats for friends, bring a mat for a lesson, or tidy up materials. Of course, children are always thanked, and attention is drawn to the importance of their participation in the class’s life. This way, they feel respected, gradually reducing shyness.

Social Interaction and Collaboration
In Montessori classrooms, children of different ages learn together. Shy children can observe more confident friends and learn from them. Moreover, older children are always happy to help younger ones. Gradually, everyone participates in collective games and projects where each contributes their part. Such interaction contributes to the development of a sense of community where a child feels like an important part of the group.

Individual Approach
It’s important for the child to work at their own pace without feeling pressured by adults. In a Montessori class, we don’t compare students to each other and understand that each child has their own interests and needs. Children can choose activities that truly engage them and work on them for as long as needed. This way, they have the opportunity to solve problems independently and learn from their mistakes, developing self-confidence. Educators act as observers and guides, offering help only when necessary.

In such an environment, every child can showcase their abilities and talents, which is especially important for personal development and building positive self-esteem!
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logical thinking

How does the Montessori environment develop it in preschoolers?